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Safeguarding and Child Protection
We take our role in safeguarding and child protection extremely seriously at Beckley. Keeping our pupils safe is our first priority at all times. We understand that safeguarding must be a part of our culture and we embed this in a number of ways:
- Roles and reponsibilities are clear to everybody. Staff, parents and governors know that Mr Houston (01865 351416, headteacher@beckleyschool.org) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, and Mrs Cockhill and Miss Hutton are the Deputy DSLs. Our safeguarding link governor, Emily Green, is also known across the school and staff understand the safeguarding governors' strategic overview of safeguarding.
- All training for staff is up-to-date, purposeful and appropriate.
- Staff, governors, visitors and volunteers are all appropriately checked. Enhanced DBS checks are completed, and all visitors provide identification and checking information. Where a visitor does not have a valid DBS, all staff are made aware that they should be chaperoned around the school.
- In our main school reception, a safeguarding board sets out information for visitors, and leaflets are provided which detail our safeguarding and prevent strategies.
- Governor, staff and Senior Leadership Team meetings all feature safeguarding as a standing agenda item.
- On our regular newsletter to parents and members of the community, a safeguarding section provides details and updates about how we are keeping pupils safe.
- We invite and welcome safeguarding audit visits from safeguarding leads at the River Learning Trust and the ESAT team.
- We provide good opportunities for pupils to understand their own safety and learn how to keep themselves safe. These include road safety bicycle training, visits from police and the fire service to detail how they can be used, and IMPS training.
- We work closely with the transport safeguarding team at OCC to resolve any issues arising on the school bus.
Our safeguarding culture is supported by appropriate documentation, including:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education
For further information, please visit our Policies page.
Other useful links for parents:
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Website (CEOP)
Beckley School is part of Operation Encompass.