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Consultation Beckley C of E Primary School


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Update on Proposed Admissions Arrangements for

September 2025


The Governors of Beckley Church of England Primary School consulted on the proposal to lower the age range of the school from 4 to 3 and to simultaneously vary the admissions arrangements for the school by lowering the Published Admission Number (PAN) from 20 to 15 from September 2025. 


The consultation took place between 5 June 2024 and 3 July 2024 for a total of four weeks during term time (more than the statutory required time). 


The consultation was shared with staff, added to the school’s website, advertised to current parents in the school newsletter and posted as an advert on the village notice board. A link to the consultation was also emailed to feeder nurseries, other schools within the planning area, with The Oxford Diocesan Board of Education, Oxfordshire County Council Admissions Services, Buckinghamshire County Council Admissions Service, the local MP as well as County and District Councillors. The school also held a information event, which was attended by 14 people. 

In total there were nine responses to the consultation, including no objection from the Local Authority and a supportive response from the Diocese. 89% were in favour of the proposal. One response raised a concern about the impact of a mixed EYFS class and whether this would disadvantage those children in year R. 

In response to this Governors have considered that mixed-age classes offer pupils the advantage of learning with peers of different ages. It is considered that in the Early Years, a mixed class of Nursery and Reception children can bring significant gains in learning and development for all. It allows children to learn from each other and develop important skills, such as leadership and independence.

The school, and Trust, accept that challenges may occur in introducing a younger cohort, particularly where existing perceptions of the Reception class and its place within the primary school prevail. However, what is paramount is that the learning environment remains rooted in excellent early years practice, with all pupils learning through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities.

Beckley Church of England Primary School already operates with a mixed-age structure in Key Stages 1 and 2. We are therefore confident that with the right staff, curriculum planning, routines and resourcing, the needs of all pupils aged 3-5 years can be met.

The Governors are therefore confident this change is the right thing to pursue and will therefore seek permission from the Secretary of State to vary their funding agreement to enable this to start in the 2025/26  academic year.




Page Downloads Date  
CONSULTATION Beckley CofE Admissions Arrangements for 2024 25.docx 06th Jun 2024 Download
FAQ Beckley CofE Admissions Consultation 2025 26 2 02nd Jul 2024 Download
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